
A Solar Energy Fixed Payment: Budgeting Made Easy

A Solar Energy Fixed Payment: Budgeting Made Easy

One of the little talked-about benefits of solar energy is you know what your power costs long term. In a rapidly changing world, there’s comfort in knowing what the future holds. Whether you pay cash, finance, or lease a solar system you can budget it, but not with a power bill. Solar is a fixed cost, but your power bill increases every year. With solar, your monthly payment remains consistent. Unlike fluctuating utility bills, which can surprise you with unexpected spikes, solar payments are predictable.

A Solar Energy Fixed Payment: Budgeting Made Easy

Solar Energy is Insurance Against Power Company Rate Hikes

The major power companies in Florida have raised rates by as much as 80% over the past 6 years. 

Homeowners who bought a solar system 6 years ago have or are near paying it off, which means free power for the next decade and a half or more. So, any homeowner who bought a solar system 6 years ago has protected themselves from major price hikes by the power companies. In the meantime, their cost of power is going down while homes without solar, power bills are going up, that’s why solar energy is such a good idea.

A Solar Energy Fixed Payment: Budgeting Made Easy
A Solar Energy Fixed Payment: Budgeting Made Easy

Solar is for the Savings Minded

Solar energy is much cheaper than the power companies. A 7K home solar system net cost is $19500 installed and will offset $200 of monthly consumption.  That’s $2400 a year. a 7K solar system cost is offset by what would have been paid to the power company in 8.2 years. A 7K solar system will produce power for 25 years or more, totaling $60,000 plus price increases. A guaranteed savings of at minimum $42000 plus rate hikes is impressive considering you would have paid that money to the power company.

A Solar Energy Fixed Payment is Budgeting Made Easy!

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there's a better way to go solar, Equipment is Part of The Cost of Home Solar Energy
Equipment is Part of The Cost of Home Solar Energy

A Solar Energy Fixed Payment: Budgeting Made Easy


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