Solar Energy: Net Metering is Awesome for homeowners in Florida because it’s a one-kilowatt-hour trade-off with the power company. States that have net metering one-for-one trade off with the power company is where homeowners make the most profit from solar energy.
Net Metering wasn’t the power company’s idea, it came from Federal and State legislation. Net Metering forces the large power companies in certain states to allow homeowners to store solar energy production on the grid, for a minimal monthly service charge. The solar energy produced is an even trade-off for home energy consumption. In Florida, the state has stood behind the federal government’s Smart Grid legislation to promote alternative clean energy sources. Net Metering is a “Monumental” win for homeowners, at least for as long it lasts.
Homeowners in Florida get grandfather rights just in case the power companies lobby for the laws to change like they tried previously and failed.
Any state with one-for-one net metering is a golden opportunity for homeowners going solar. Homeowners can sell their solar production to the power company for full retail price.
Combining the 30% ITC tax credit with receiving retail pricing from solar energy produced makes home solar a guaranteed investment in Florida, and many other states.
So, if “Solar Energy: Net Metering is Awesome for homeowners in Florida” why would homeowners wait to buy solar? The most likely answer is that too many homeowners don’t know solar is a great investment. Solar energy is difficult for many homeowners to grasp, or they are uninterested.
Educating homeowners about solar energy takes time, but they are catching on in 2024. It’s all but a certainty solar energy is here to stay and will be easily understood by future generations.
Unfortunately, the power companies wield tremendous power. It’s in a homeowner’s best interest in Florida to go solar as soon as possible because the power companies are constantly lobbying state legislators to sunset net metering. The Florida power companies have already tried to eliminate net-metering and failed, but that won’t stop them from trying again. Check out the easy-to-understand charts below that demonstrate the return on investment from residential solar energy.
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